The Remap tool is useful to re-target an armature animation to another one. You can import for example a BVH motion capture file and transfer the animation datas to the Auto-Rig Pro armature.
Welcome to the Auto-Rig Pro documentation!¶ This complete guide gives instructions to start with, from installing the addon, rigging, to skinning and appending the character in a new scene. It also includes the Fbx Export and Remap documentation. Also make sure to check the youtube channel for video tutorials and useful informations.
Furthermore i’ve developped a separate addon Additive Keyer, to easily tweak the motion capture animation by interactively keyframing it:
It works best with Euler rotation mode at the moment. If you wish to use a target armature set up with quaternions, you can do the following:
Here is the workflow to import a BVH file to the Auto-Rig Pro armature.
Import the BVH armature: File > Import > Motion Capture
From the picture above we can see the source armature, on the left, has a different rest pose than the target armature, on the right. So we’ll need to redefine the rest pose of the source armature.
Select the bones that are not oriented like the target armatures bones (in this case the arms and legs) and click Copy Selected Target Bones, wich will copy the corresponding bone direction automatically from the target armature (may not work properly if the poses are too much different, in this case do this manually). Then click Apply to complete. Note it can take some time to complete if the animation is long (about 1‘30” for 1800 frames).