World Of Darkness Charactersheets Mortal

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Index for individual game lines' character lists. One of the great and terrible mysteries of the World of Darkness, a traveling circus that brings spiritual and physical corruption and ruination in its wake. Mentioned in various sourcebooks, it was left an ominous and unknown mystery until it. The following is a step-by-step guide to creating a Mortal character for World of Darkness: Dusk. The information here may be altered to conform to room and venue-specific rules, and takes precedence over other sources (be it the books themselves, or online resources, including those approved for room use).

Mortal Character Applications Can Be Found Here:

Getting Started

The Mortal character-creation system is designed around five basic precepts. Keep these in mind while generating the persona you will assume in the World of Darkness.

The character-creation system is intended more as a persona development device than as a strict system of mechanical codification. Who wants more rules at the expense of an interesting character or a good story? The character cannot exist as mere dots on a page - roleplaying is always more important than numbers.


Players have a certain number of points to spend on Traits they would like their characters to have. Players also get 'freebie points' at the end of character creation; they may spend these to round out their characters, add personality and further differentiate their characters from those of other players.

A Trait score of 1 is poor, while a score of 5 is excellent. Thus, a character with a single dot in a Trait is either not very good with that Trait or is a beginner. Don't think that your character sucks because she's only got one dot in Manipulation. The experience system presented on p. 141 allows characters to grow and improve their Traits. Traits are rated according to a human scale (except vampiric Traits like Advantages and blood pool, which are rated on a Kindred standard).

Step One: Character Concept

World of darkness character creator

Choose Nature and Demeanor.

World Of Darkness Charactersheets Mortal 3

Step Two: Select Attributes Export outlook calendar to pdf.

Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (7/5/3). Your character automatically has one dot in each Attribute.
Rate Physical Traits: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina.
Rate Social Traits: Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance.
Rate Mental Traits: Perception, Intelligence, Wits.

Step Three: Select Abilities

Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (13/9/5).
Choose Talents, Skills, Knowledges.
No Ability higher than 4 in this stage, and must be described in your background.

Step Four: Select Advantages
Merits and Flaws
Backgrounds (5)
Rate Virtues (5) - Your character automatically has one dot in each Virtue.

Step Five: Finishing Touches

Write a character background:
Mortals are pretty simple all around to write backgrounds for. While not overly long, Mortal backgrounds do need to include all merits and flaws, attributes and abilities above three, and other character traits that would be important for the Storytellers to know.

World Of Darkness Player Sheet

Spend freebie points (21)

World Of Darkness Mortal Character Sheet

Freebie Points

Attribute5 per dot
Ability2 per dot
Background1 per dot
Virtue2 per dot
Willpower1 per dot
Posted by2 years ago

crossposted from

Hey y'all. I'm running the What Thou Wilt adventure today from the back of Second Sight, and I need some pregen characters to give the players. I'm running this as part of a larger social event alongside other game tables, and my players may or may not be familiar with WoD or role playing in general, so nothing too complicated. Basically whoever shows up, I run with (the player number is capped). I'm just looking for regular people who might take the bus/subway to work. The sheets can be pre or post GMC rules update.

I already have the ready-made characters pdf and the sheets from Nightmare at Hill Manor.

I'm actually kind of surprised at the lack of resources for this. I found a number of old character sheet vaults, but they've all been broken in one way or another.

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