Star Wars The Force Unleashed 3: What Could Have Been. That’s where Blackman’s other idea comes in. If you remember, at the end of The Force Unleashed II, Vader is captured by General Rahm Kota and Starkiller on Kamino and taken away by the rebels to be interrogated (with Boba Fett secretly on their tail).
Starkiller. He was Darth Vader's secret apprentice and one of the most powerful users of the Force the galaxy had ever seen. In the first Force Unleashed, he turned against Vader and organized the rebellion against the Empire. In the sequel, he's going through a bit of an existential crisis.
Pasir yang bagus untuk batako. In desperate need of snuggles, Starkiller scours the galaxy for his girlfriend..
Below you will find the Walkthrough for both the Xbox360/PS3 and Wii version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II.